Our goal is to provide wellness resources and tools needed to empower Nova Southeastern University toward making the right choices. We hope you join us at our wellness events and meet new people with like-minded goals. Check out our full schedule below.

Mindfulness Monday
Upcoming Events - 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
- Nov. 7 - Registered Dietitian Q&A / Reusable Shopping Bag Giveaway / Crafting Smoothies - University Cente
- Nov. 14 -Improve Your Sleep / Techniques and Tools / Slumberous Giveaways - University Center
- Nov. 21 - Building Personal and Professional Relationships / Friendship Bracelet Making - University Center
- Nov. 28 - Stress Relief Remedies / Candlelight Yoga
- Dec. 5 - Body Positive / Inclusivity and Love for all Shapes and Sizes - University Center